My Reason
When I began my writing, it was with the idea that I wanted my words to make a difference in the World, for the World as a whole. I wanted people the World over to read my thoughts and use them to make this world a better place.
How arrogant was I? How arrogant was I to think that I could affect so many people in such a way? I am after all only one man and realistically, what can one man hope to do?
One Man can form a new Religion.
One Man can build a new Nation.
One Man can free another Nation from Slavery.
One Man can lead his People from Apartheid.
One Man can Revolutionize the Automotive Industry.
One Man can do Anything he sets his Mind to so long as he never gives up.
But I am only a man. What can I do?
Can I alone save the World? ... Not a chance.
Can I convince an entire Planet of People to agree with me? (Chuckles) ... Not likely.
Can I turn the rudder to change the course of our Future History by even a little? ... Not alone.
I am after all only one man and what Good can one man do?
One man can change a Heart, but only if it wants to be changed.
When I started my writing, I wanted it to be for everyone. I wanted it to change the World, but then I realized, one man alone cannot change the world, for no one man can change the Hearts of so many, but one man can try, and in trying bring others to his side so that together we few can change the course of our Future History.
It is for this reason that I now write for the Few, rather than the Many.
I write for the Few because only a few will ever read my words and even fewer still will Understand them. Of those, only a few will incorporate them into their lives, and fewer still will Truly Embrace them.
It is for these last Few that I write most of all, for it is they, these Final, Special Few, that can Forever Change the World....
And so it is that I also write for the Many.